At the edge of the corn field

Source of the photo
Gruiz Katalin
Author of the description
Gruiz Katalin

The flooding mechanism can be closely followed at the edge of the corn land. The areas located relatively far from the source were not devasted by the red mud tide but slowly flooded.The maize was still standing in the areas when the breach occured. The maize looks intact in the upper part however the  lower 30 cms of the stem indicates the level of the red slurry in the flooded maizeland area. Most part of the corn did not get into the red mud slurry however it is forbidden to use the corn as fodder. Meanwhile it would be possible to be used for burning or alcohol production. On the other hand the ability to be harvested depends on the thickness of the partly dried red mud layer. There is the option to be harvested or not. In case it is not possible to be harvested then there is still the option of leaving it as it is or tilling it into the soil.