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Gnaphosa modestior (a spider species)

Source of the photo
Author of the description
Cserna Gécsa Bence

Gnaphosa modestior

Country: Animalia (Animals)

Phylum: Artrophoda (arthropods)

Class: Arachnida

Order: Araneae (Spiders)

Family: Gnaphosidae

Genus: Gnaphosa


Open-habitat-related (mostly swamp, marsh, desert), but can also be found under stones. The open-habitat species are dominant in disturbed urban and suburban areas, whereas the habitat of the bond is stronger than the effects caused by interference.
The open-habitat species richness positively correlated with the soil and air temperatures, it shows a sensitivity to temperature changes, as the preference for warmer spots.


Dark colors, brown or black. Strong fur covered. Eyes arranged in two rows, their spinners are cylindrical.


They are living nightlife and that is when they hunt.

Source of description