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CDFILTER project finished

Fenyvesi Éva

The CDFILTER project (TECH_08-A4/2-2008-0161) supported by the National Development Agency has been finished. The coordinator CycloLab Cyclodextrin R&D Laboratory Ltd., and the partners in the conzorcium: ORGANICA Technologies Ltd., Bay Zoltán Nonprofit Ltd., Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Eötvös Loránd University, Institute of Sciences, Cooperative Research Centre for Environmental Sciences has fulfilled the main objectives.

 Sorbents based on CD were prepared for the following three applications:

·        sampling of pollutants from surface water,

·        removal of selected pollutants from drinking water,

·        post-purification of biologically treated communal wastewater.

Both analytical methods for determination of micro-contaminants in water and ecotoxicological methods for characterizing their harmful effects have been developed.

New tools for environmental management have been created and a priority list of the substances generating high risk to the environment and human health (CDFILTER priority list).

The quantitative determination of organic micropollutants adsorbed by the CD-containing filters - thus the applicability of these filters as samplers - was proven.

The efficiency of the CD-based filters in potential post-purification of drinking water for selected compounds was superior compared to the commercial filters and activated carbon.

The most important objective of the project was the development of a new process for post-purification of biologically treated communal wastewater. The CD-based filter – applied in pilot-scale experiment – removed near 99% or more of the micro-pollutants from the previously mechanically and biologically purified communal wastewater. A full-scale prototype consisting of mechanical, biological treatment, ultrafiltration and CDFILTER units has been designed.

Further details are in the homepage of the project (