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Emese Vaszita's Publications

Journal articles:

Vaszita E, Szabó J, Gruiz K (2009) Complex leaching of metal-sulfide-containing mine waste and soil in microcosms. In (Eds. Gruiz, K. and Meggyes, T.) EPP Publications Limited, UK, LAND CONTAMINATION AND RECLAMATION 17:(3-4) pp. 463-471.

Vaszita E, Siki Z, Gruiz K (2009) GIS-based quantitative hazard and risk assessment of an abandoned mining site. In (Eds. Gruiz, K. and Meggyes, T.) EPP Publications Limited, UK, LAND CONTAMINATION AND RECLAMATION 17:(3-4) pp. 513-529.

Sarkadi A, Vaszita E, Tolner M, Gruiz K (2009) In situ site assessment: A short overview and description of the field-portable XRF and its application. In (Eds. Gruiz, K. and Meggyes, T.) EPP Publications Limited, UK, LAND CONTAMINATION AND RECLAMATION 17:(3-4) pp. 431-442.

Gruiz K, Vaszita E (2009) Microcosm models and experiments: Types and applications. In (Eds. Gruiz, K. and Meggyes, T.) EPP Publications Limited, UK, LAND CONTAMINATION AND RECLAMATION 17:(3-4) pp. 461-462.

Gruiz K, Vaszita E, Siki Z, Feigl V, Fekete F (2009) Complex environmental risk management of a former mining site. In (Eds. Gruiz, K. and Meggyes, T.) EPP Publications Limited, UK, LAND CONTAMINATION AND RECLAMATION 17:(3-4) pp. 355-367.

Gruiz K, Vaszita E, Siki Z (2007) Environmental toxicity testing in the risk assessment of a metal contaminated abandoned mining site in Hungary. In: (Eds. Schippers A Sand W Glombitza F Willscher S) ADVANCED MATERIALS RESEARCH 20-21: pp. 193-196.

Gruiz K, Vaszita E, Siki Z, Feigl V (2007) Environmental risk management of an abandoned mining site in Hungary. In: (Eds. Schippers A Sand W Glombitza F Willscher S) ADVANCED MATERIALS RESEARCH 20-21: pp. 221-225.

Book chapters:

E.Vaszita (2014) Environmental risk of mining (chapter 5), In: Engineering Tools for Environmental Risk Managemen, Vol. 1 Environmental Deterioration and Contamination, Problems and their Management (Eds. Katalin Gruiz, Tamás Meggyes, Éva Fenyvesi), ISBN: 978-1-138-00154-1 (Hbk), ISBN: 978-1-315-77878-5 (eBook PDF), CRC Press/Balkema, pp.113-126.

K. Gruiz, B. Sára, E. Vaszita (2014) Risk management of chemicals and contaminated land - from planning to verification (chapter 9), In: Engineering Tools for Environmental Risk Management, Vol. 1 Environmental Deterioration and Contamination, Problems and their Management (Eds. Katalin Gruiz, Tamás Meggyes, Éva Fenyvesi), ISBN: 978-1-138-00154-1 (Hbk), ISBN: 978-1-315-77878-5 (eBook PDF), CRC Press/Balkema, pp. 227-295.

K.Gruiz, E. Vaszita, A. Clement (2014) Site-specific risk assessment and management of point and diffuse sources (chapter 10), In: Engineering Tools for Environmental Risk Management, Vol 1. Environmental Deterioration and Contamination, Problems and their Management (Eds. Katalin Gruiz, Tamás Meggyes, Éva Fenyvesi), ISBN: 978-1-138-00154-1 (Hbk), ISBN: 978-1-315-77878-5 (eBook PDF), CRC Press/Balkema, pp. 313-372.

Gruiz, K., Vaszita E., Feigl, V., Siki, Z. (2010) Environmental risk management of diffuse pollution of mining origin, In: Construction for a Sustainable Environment (Eds. Sarsby, R. W. and Meggyes, T.), Proceedings of the International Conference of Construction for a Sustainable Environment, Vilnius, Lithuania, 1–4 July 2008., ISBN 978-0-415-56617-9, Taylor and Francis Group, London, pp. 219–228.

M Tolner, G Nagy, E Vaszita, K Gruiz (2010) In situ delineation of point sources and high resolution mapping of polluted sites by X-ray fluorescence measuring device. In: Construction for a Sustainable Environment (Eds. Sarsby, R. W. and Meggyes, T.), Proceedings of the International Conference of Construction for a Sustainable Environment, Vilnius, Lithuania, 1–4 July 2008., ISBN 978-0-415-56617-9, Taylor and Francis Group, London, pp. 237-244.

Other publications:

K Gruiz, E Vaszita, V Feigl O Klebercz, É Ujaczki, A Anton (2013) Environmental risk assessment of red mud contaminated soil in Hungary, Proceedings Aquaconsoil 2013, Theme C: Assessment and monitoring (paper 2292)

E Vaszita; K Gruiz; Z Siki; V Feigl; O Klebercz; É Ujaczki; I Fekete-Kertész (2013) The ENFO knowledge base to support efficient management of waste utilization on soil (paper 2246), Theme E: Concepts and policies, ThS E3 Sustainable use of the subsurface,

Vaszita Emese, Feigl Viktória, Klebercz Orsolya, Ujaczki Éva, Fekete Kertész Ildikó, Molnár Mónika, Koch Dániel, Siki Zoltán, László Péter, Szabó József, Erdélyi Attila, Atkári Ágota és Gruiz Katalin (2013) SOILUTIL hulladék adatbázis (adatlapon és térképen), SOILUTIL Konferencia kiadvány, 2013. november 14-15., Előadás összefoglaló,

Klebercz, O., Feigl, V., Vaszita, E., Gruiz, K., Kovács, J., Kőfalusi, V. (2012) Waste for waste: a new management approach in deteriorated soil remediation, Conference Proceedings CD of GeoCongress 2012, 25–29 March 2012., Oakland, California, USA, 4005–4014.

Gruiz, K., Feigl, V., Klebercz, O., Anton, A., Vaszita, E. (2012) Environmental risk assessment of red mud contaminated land in Hungary, Conference Proceedings CD of GeoCongress 2012, 25–29. March 2012., Oakland, California, USA, 4156–4165.

Vaszita E, Gruiz K (2010) Scoring based Risk Assessment in an abandoned base metal sulphide mining area. In: ConSoil 2010. Salzburg, Ausztria, 2010.09.22-2010.09.24. Paper C3-23. (ISBN: 978-3-00-032099-6)

Mária Tolner, Emese Vaszita, Katalin Gruiz (2010) On-site screening and monitoring of pollution by a field-portable x-ray fluorescence measuring device. In: ConSoil 2010. Salzburg, Ausztria, 2010.09.22-2010.09.24. Paper A2-27. (ISBN: 978-3-00-032099-6)

Gruiz K, Feigl V, Vaszita E, Klebercz O, Újaczky É, Atkári Á (2010) An integrated approach for the utilization of waste on soil – Innovative management and technologies. In: Proceedings CD, ConSoil 2010 Conference, Salzburg. Salzburg, Ausztria, 2010.09.22-2010.09.24. Salzburg: Paper ThS B2, New functions of the subsurface. (ISBN: ISBN 978-3-00-032099-6)

Gruiz K, Vaszita E, Zaletnyik P, Siki Z (2008) GIS-based catchment scale modelling of toxic metal transport by erosion in an abandoned mining area. In: CONSOIL 2008: THEME F - SUSTAINABLE & RISK BASED LAND MANAGEMENT. Milan, Italy, pp. 301-310.(ISBN: 978-3-00-024598-5)

Gruiz K, Vaszita E, Siki Z (2006) Quantitative Risk Assessment as part of the GIS based Environmental Risk Management of diffuse pollution of mining origin. In: Difpolmine Conference, 12–14 December, 2006, Montpellier, France: What does the future hold for large metal-polluted sites? Montpellier, pp. 1-5. 8

Gruiz K, Vaszita E, Siki Z (2006) Tiered risk assessment of point and diffuse pollution source of mining origin. In: Difpolmine Conference, 12–14 December, 2006, Montpellier, France, What does the future hold for large metal-polluted sites?. Montpellier, pp. 6-10.

Gruiz K, Vaszita E, Siki Z (2005) Regional Scale Environmental Risk Assessment of Point and Diffuse Pollution of Mining Origin. In: Methodological Baselines for Risk Based Inventories of Mining Sites. Krakow, Poland, 2005.11.24-2005.11.25. Paper EUR 22515 EN