About the "ENFO" Conference

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Vaszita Emese

The conference of the „ENFO” Project (Environmental Information)  took place on Friday, 28th May 2010 with almost 60 participants.

The participants included invited representatives of the Ministry of Environment and Waters, various environmental companies, project partners and students of BME.

Katalin Gruiz the leader of the project gave an overview on the aims and targets of the project, the contents of the ENFO database, introduced the horizontal and vertical components, the knowledge levels, the structural solutions and the criteria of the risk based environmental management, the core subject of the ENFO project.

The Conference speakers were project partners and invited speakers covering areas of interest of the ENFO project. They presented on individual cases and examples the areas covered by the ENFO project: legal background associated with environmental management of contaminated land, decision support in air and noise protection, waste management, waste disposal site rehabilitation, catchment scale risk management of contaminated sites, life cycle assessment.

The IT background of the ENFO database and webpage, the operation of the Decision Support system of the ENFO page, the structure and history of the ENFO Glossary database, of the Technical databases and the GIS Soil Maps uploaded in the ENFO map base were introduce too.

Short presentations of the project partners gave a glimpse into the data uploaded in various areas of the ENFO database matrix.

The participants concluded that the subjects presented at the conference harmonised with and complemented each other. The integration of the introduced elements managed to create a higher level picture of all areas of environmental management, represented by the ENFO project. Due to the enthusiastic work of the project partners the participants at the Conference highly appreciated the efforts and work invested so far in the large ENFO data and knowledge base. The Ministry representative Mr. Gábor Hasznos appreciated the role of the ENFO database and considered it to be worth for continuation.

Venue: Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), Hungary, Egry József str., 20-22, Conference Room.

See pictures from the event at: /en/esemenykeptar/4137