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Deathly ball-lightening killed 17 cows

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The term ball lightening refers to reports of luminous, usually spherical objects which vary from pea-sized to several metres in diameter. It is usually associated with thunderstorms, but lasts considerably longer than the split-second flash of a lightning bolt. Many of the early reports say that the ball eventually explodes, sometimes with fatal consequences, leaving behind the odor of sulfur. There are records of free-floating glowing balls that occur in total absence of thunderclouds (Wikipedia).

Ball lightning was menationt already in the ancient times, but is still a mistery. Novadays more pictures are prepared (mainly by mobile-phones) and published on the net. Originality of some of these photos is questionnable. The picture introduced here was taken in January 2011, in Hungary, close to Budapest. It  has been investigated by experts who say it is original and a very good quality one, in contrast to the most ones.

A serious ball-lightening case is also introduced by another picture: 100 cows were prostrated and 17 of them also killed in 2001, in village Büssü, Hungary (3).

The ball lightening appeared in cow-house, where the care staff was also present. Their description about the light-ball is shocking: "One of the cows was falln besides me immediately when I noticed the strange light above me, which jumped up the ceiling. Then turned dark. All 100 cows were collapsed, kicking with their feet and trying to flee from their ties. I run out from the stall, when I stepped on the iron rail, it shocked me throug the gum boot"

Veterinar investigation of the killed cows brain and other tissues justificated the deathly electric shock.